Take no bull? That's right - protect them.

For thousands of years, bull trout have traveled some of the longest migration routes of any trout in North America. Once common throughout the inland Pacific Northwest, bull trout now live in reduced numbers in five western states and two Canadian provinces. They no longer live in California. Montana and Idaho are the bull trout’s strongholds, but even here bull trout face a chance of eventual extinction in some streams where they live.

One very important thing that you can do to help minimize the impact that we humans have on the bull trout, is to learn to correctly identify the fish that you catch, and also the fish that you see swimming in the waters. Correct identification, both in and out of the water, will help you release the right fish and avoid hooking a bull trout by accident. Bull trout are protected by both state and federal law; there is no fishing season for them and they have been listed since 1998 as threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Intentionally or accidentally “taking” a bull trout is illegal. It also creates an unfavorable public image of anglers and fishing.

Please take the time to study the information on this website and help give bull trout the chance to grow in population in its natural habitat. Don't forget to take the quiz to test your knowledge.